Tuesday, 15 January 2008


Kero is in dreamland.

While in dreamland, Kero loves practising his qigong balancing move. Mind you, this is one of the most complicated movement. (for a 5 month pup...hehe)

Firstly, the body must be shaped like a "C". Head and the tail can be used to assist in forming the "c" shape. Both front paws must be bended (begging position) while the hind legs and butt must form a straight line.

Hmmm, can't see it clearly from the above picture, can you?
Well, here is another angle......

While kero is happily sleeping practising his qigong, we received 2 more awards from our pawpals.

Firstly, Big sissy Momo & her brother, Pinot & our pal, Thor give us the bloggers of the world award!

Wow! We are very honoured to get this award from you all. Thank you very much!

Thor also gave us the you make my day award!

Awww, that's a very sweet award from you. You really make our day too! Thanks!
We would like to dedicate both the awards to the rest of our pals!! It has been a great pleasure knowing you all and reading all your blogs and comments!


Angel MoMo and Charlotte said...

Kero is sooooooo cute! He and Pinot are just the loveliest puppiest around.

I know you may not be interested in NFL but I would like to invite you over this Sunday when I, as the official Cheerleader of the National Feline League, will be cheering for the Packers in the playoff. The post will combine the artistic talents of a couple of the kitties from the blogosphere. Please come! It'll be fun!

Urban Smoothie Read said...

ur sleeping style is so funny....

i used to do that when i was younger...coz that time i need to sleep outdoor, n it was hot...

Juno said...

Hello and Congrats on your awards!!!!!
Kero is SOOOOOOO adorable!!!! He makes us smile!!!!

Momo & Pinot :)

Amber-Mae said...

Awwwww, soooo adorable! Wow, more awards! That's great!

Pee/s: Coming this Sunday?

Love licks,
Solid Gold Dancer

Ben & Darling said...

thats the bestest sleeping style, I like to sleep like that too.

Thor and Jack said...

I sleep like Kero, sometimes.
When I was smaller, always.
Congrats on awards!