Monday, 18 February 2008

Lack of update...

Sorry for the lack of update on our blog!
Our owner is currently down with flu and fever and she injured her leg too.
She will update the blog with our CNY photos soon once she gets better.


Kien said...

oh.. take care ms owner.. my mummy too.. she has been sick since CNY eve till now.. and now is my turn.. what a boring CNY!


Almighty King King said...

oh man.. hope ms owner get well soon! *Cheerios*

Thor and Jack said...

Take care ms owner! I hope she gets better soon!

Love and licks

Juno said...

ShuShu, Kero and Momo!! Sorry... We haven't visited you guys for a while. First of all, we're glad ShuShu feels much better now...meanwhile your owner is sick? Flu is bad...VERY bad!!! Hope she will recover soon!!! Please look after her, ok? :)

Momo, we love the CNY card! What a pawfect card!!!

Momo & Pinot