Sunday, 6 April 2008

new floormat...

Hello. Our owner finally take a break and update our blog.
Here is a picture of us in the kitchen waiting for our food to be ready.

You can also see the remaining floormat of the house in the picture. The rest has been destroyed by shushu. While preparing our food, our owner caught kero doing something naughty.

Speaking of floormat, our owner recently bought another one (eventhough she promised herself that she wouldn't waste anymore money buying them). She just couldn't resist.

Here is a picture of our new floormat. Isn't it cute?

Here i am, checking on the floormat....hmmm


Here is a video of us enjoying our bone on the new floormat.
Did you see us doing something interesting?

We love our new floormat a lot. Our owner just hope it last longer though!


Urban Smoothie Read said...

i really fascinated with flormats...i dun eat them, but i like to pee on them

Ben & Darling said...

Oh that is a berry berry beautiful floormat and I love the last pic!!!

Amber said...

The floor mat is so cute!! My mom's mother loves to buy mats too. Haha, you two switched bones, the bones sounded really hard in the video, is it a rawhide? Love the last pic too!

Jans Funny Farm said...

That's so neat that you 2 actually eat on your mat. Kero is smart. You get the bone started so his little teeth can handle it better.

Amber-Mae said...

The last picture is sweet! Hehe, do you both always exchange bones? Too cute!

Love licks,
Solid Gold Dancer

Almighty King King said...

lol... that's a sweet move by both of you.

Angel MoMo and Charlotte said...

The mat is cute but not as cute as you two in that last picture!

~ HöOVéRBélL a.k.a BéCKz ~ said...

Ohh... the floormat is really cool! Hahaa, and i really love the last pic... :D so cuteeeee

Thor and Jack said...

The floormat is beautiful! So cool you exchange bones! The last pic is great!


Juno said...

That's a really cute floormat and both of you seems to love it! We love the video!!

Momo & Pinot