Sociable Abu!

Sweet Juliet!

After chatting for a while, Elaine drove off for her gathering. Abu got a bit homesick and stay near the door to wait for elaine...awww

Shushu was very excited to meet new friends. So excited that he couldn't stop barking and following them......

Our owner has no choice but to put on a muzzle on him so not to disturb the neighbours.
Miserable Shushu after muzzle. :(

The funny thing is, after muzzle, it was the other doggies turn to follow shushu around. :D
The furkids play a lot the rest on the day and by night time - they were so tired, they sleep like dead!

except for Juliet (see her peeking from the crate!)

On Sunday noon, Elaine came back. The furkids were superglad to see her.
Someone else come over for a visit too! They are Lily and goofy :)
Handsome Goofy in a red riding hood costume!

Juliet enjoying a good massage from Lily.

Surprise surprise - kero and abu cousin, Amita and his owner, Trinity drop by also.
Cute Amita!

Ckcs playing together...can you differentiate them?

We are brothers - Abu and kero playing!

Cousins, Amita and Kero

It is a nice gathering! Kero was still very shy with human but okay with the dogs. Hopefully, with more socialising, he will be more like abu :D. Thanks to all who come and thanks for the nice gift to shushu and kero!
Dead tired shushu and kero after the gathering!

ohhhhh....Shushu, Kero... we can see many many fellow Cavaliers and our friend, Goofy!! Sounds like you guys had a good day to reunion with your cute sissy, brudder and relaives!!! NICE!!
Momo & Pinot
What a great weekend! Looks like you had tons of fun with Abu, Juliet, relatives and friends!
Wow... Alot friends...
I am sure you all are enjoy =)
Poor ShuShu got muzzled but who ask him to bark alot? Looks like Kero had a fun time meeting new friends.
Butt wiggles,
Solid Gold Dancer
You already have all the ckcs gathering before that 7th ckcs gathering huh ? hahahahaa... and so nice to see a big happy family of ckcs in your house! :D
wow! is fun to have so many visitor....
only pity shushu de barker that need to be muzzle
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