Abu and juliet's mummy was very nice to come all the way from KL to Ipoh, to be our guide (as my master is direction blind!). We started our journey around 11am and reach KL at about 1pm. We also stop by Setapak to pick up my aunt, chelsea and her human, Hun.
We reached the gathering place after 2pm. There was lots of ckcs there!
Abu and juliet proceed to get acquainted with the other ckcs while i was quite shy at first.

Another sniffing session

There was lots of food there and we got to have some too!

There was a nice pool at the gathering place and we get to swim in it.
(p/s: Actually, it was more like the human keep throwing us inside the pool and we, the doggies keep swimming frantically back to the shore - evil humans!)

A few of the lucky ones get to escape the dunking session and were placed in boat!

Abu was not so lucky in this picture - he was in the process of being carried to the middle of the pool to be dunked.

A very wet abu after being dunked in the pool!

Mummy, mummy - kero wants to be carried too!

Kero (standing) and Juliet (laying down)

Here a short video of the gathering :)
At around 5 something, it is time to go home and the humans towelled us dried.

We have a wonderful time at the gathering. I met so many relatives and got a chance to test my swimming (dunking) skill. Thanks to Jean and Derrick for inviting us and thanks to abu's mummy, elaine for accompanying us on the journey.
p/s: the photos are taken by elaine, suki, beckz, pickers and jovian as kero's mummy was too busy supervising her kepoh son during the gathering to take much photo. Thanks for letting me use the photos on the blog!
wow that look soooooooooooooo fun!!!!!!!!!
slurpy licks,
Thats a nice gathering.
I rather go there then some of the gathering I have over here. At least there's a pool...hehe
hey kero... that was a fun gathering..
can u tell me where's that place with such a nice swimming pool for doggie
it's at one of the ckcs owner's bungalow in cheras.
swt..say me evil pulak...they all really dun like water la i think. Except for Adam who willing to jump in to the water going after Eden. Love faithful dog :)
Hey! its so fun!!!
i tot its the public swim pool
but hey!
i envy youuuuuu
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