The mini fella has finally turn one (though he still look as small as ever)...hmmmm.

Since today is his barkday, our owner got him cupcake to celebrate! It is plain vanilla flavour and our owner put a small dog biscuit on top of it for decoration.

We are waiting for the cakes!

Here they are:

Arrgh, when can we eat?

Anyway, Happy barkday to Kero! You are a big boy now!!!
Lots of love,
Big brother shushu
p/s: since abu is same litter as kero, today is Abu's barkday too! We would like to wish Abu Happy Barkday too!!
Hiya Kero!!! *pounced on Kero* Happy barkday!!!! May all ur wishes come True ^ __ ^ Your cupcake really looks yummy..... *drools hard* Happy Barkday to Abu too! *snoop starts singing* HAppy Birthday to u... HAppy Birthday to U....
happy barkday, kero...
Happy Barkday to Kero!! So nice of your mummy to make u guys cupcakes!
Happy Barkday, Kero! Your cakes look delicious! And Happy Barkday to Abu too!
Happy belated Barkday to Momo!
I hope you have a great weekend!
Love and licks
YAAY Kero - we wish you a very happy birthday ;)
Maltese Paws
HAppy belated barkday Kero & Abu!!!!
slurpy licks,
Happy barkdayyyyyyy
hope that you have lotsa lotsa pressiessssss....^^
enjoy! :)
Happy Barkday, Kero.
You turned one today!
I'm glad I found your blog. I enjoy reading it.
Do you and Snoop share the same ancestors? You two look alike like 2 rain drops. My mom is crazy about your pretty white & brown furry coat.
Happy Brakday to Abu too.
Please come sign my guest book. Thanks.
Happy Barkday Kero! the pics are so adorable :) th cake looks so good 6:
Happy B-lated birthday!
I hope you didn't have to pose that long before eating..ehehe
Happy very belated birthday MOMO and ohhhh no... we missed your barkday, too, KERO!!!! Thanks so much for your kind message about out human brudder! He's doing well.
We love the pictures and the video at the get-together!! It's very nice to see many many cavaliers out there!
Momo & Pinot
Happy Barkday !!
Big boy liao must more obidient ok? =)
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