His new owner took a look of him, thought for many days and finally named him as shushu (after a loyal dog character in One Piece anime).

(pictures of little shushu when he first arrived)
Little shushu was full of joy and michieve all the time. He likes to steal sis's slipper and hide it his owner bed all the time, which leave the sister fuming mad. However, he can easily get out of trouble by melting sister's heart with a sad look.

He has a favourite companion at that time which he never seen without it (until he grow a new set of teeth and promptly destroy it into pieces around 5 months old)

When he was 4-5 months old, shushu tried to sneak out of the gate and injured himself at the grille there. The wound was quite serious and almost gave his owner a heart attack.

The wound heal nicely and the owner thought the worst was over.

Unfortunately, around 7 months old, shushu caught tick fever and has to be hospitalised. It was very serious - we almost lost shushu again......but shushu fight back and survive the ordeal.
(healthy shushu after recovering from the tick fever)
We were so relieved, but one month before his birthday, shushu caught pneumonia while boarding at a kernal and almost die again.
The owner was quite heartbroken and wonder if shushu ever survive his first birthday. But 18 September 2007 come, and shushu celebrated.
Well, times passes by - shushu went for his first swimming trip and dog event, got himself 2 new siblings, chew lots of carpets, goes into barking competition with the neighbourhood dogs in the middle of the night, got poisoned by a toad and got biten by a stray dog as well. (><)
And as at today, Shushu is celebrating his 2nd Birthday!!! The owner is feeling nostalgic and hope shushu has many more birthdays to come :)
Really nice dog!
Happy 2nd Birthday, Shushu!
Love and licks
Awwww Happy Birthday to Shushu!! Yeah we read about all those 'rollar coaster rides' you had in your previous blog posts and you never fail to give my mum a heart attack as she reads them.
Anyway you are really a bigggg and handsome doggy now! And you are still gonna have many many more birthdays to come! So does Kero!
Cocoa and Barley
happy belated birthday, shushu
Happy belated 2nd birthday!! sorry for the late wishhes!
i am so sorry but Happy belated bday :D
u seem to enjoy it ..well may u get lotsa of pressies this year okay :D
Happy Barkday Shushu, your pics are so cutteee~ :)
You are an accident on paws, Shushu. We hope you will be around a lot longer, but try to stay healthy, okay?
Oh happy Belated Barkday to you ShuShu! My gosh! What a journey you had. You sure must have given your owners heart attack all the time!
Butt wiggles,
Solid Gold Dancer
OMD, we haven't visited you for so long. Happy very belated barkday, Shushu!! We hope to see your update soon!!
Momo & Pinot
Shushu, Momo and Kero
My family and I wish you and your family a Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays!
Visit me at www.twinkleboy.blogspot.com !!!
slurpy licks,
Shu Shu, did I tell you that you & mom has the same barkday???
slurpy licks,
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